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Give Online

We believe everyone deserves to know about God’s love…Your giving makes it possible!

The ongoing work of ministries at Life Church is funded through the charitable giving of members, friends and partners around the world.

The financial support that is given sustains and furthers the good work of Life Church ministries to individuals and groups of people of all ages in local communities both at home in the UK and on the foreign harvest fields.

Give Online

You can give a one-off or recurring gift to Life Church from this website using our secure server. Click on the "Donate" button below. If you do not have a user account you will be asked to create one, otherwise just log in using your username and password.

With PayPal your giving is literally a few clicks away!

Simply click on the button here.

Give via SMS Text

You can now give via text by simply texting the words "LOVEGOD" to the numbers given, depending on how much you would like to give. Click the link below

Give through online banking

Please specify whether your gift is for general or missions

Life Church UK is a part of Christ for the World UK and is registered with an ANBI admission in the Netherlands.

When giving, please give to the account name:
"Christ for the World, Life Church"

If you would like to add Gift Aid, please email for a Gift Aid Form.

As of 1 January 2008, donations may only be deducted if the Tax Administration has designated the beneficiary of the donation as an Institution for General Benefit (algemeen nut beogende instelling or ANBI). This not only applies to the deduction of donations for the income tax but also to the company tax and inheritance tax.


Christ for the World UK en Christ for the World - Nederland zijn beiden door de belastingdienst in Nederland erkend alsAlgemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). Dit houdt in dat giften aan de stichting meegenomen kunnen worden voor de giftenaftrekregeling inkomstenbelasting.

Give in US dollars

Please specify whether gift is for general or missions

Other Ways to Give

If you would like to send us a cheque or a giving voucher, please send it to the Accounts Department and make it payable to Life Church. Regular collections are taken at Life Church services

You can give in the form of quoted shares and other securities (which entitles you to tax relief). You may also like to consider making a donation to Life Church in your will. Please ask your solicitor when you make or change your will, or ask us for more information.

If you have any questions about these or other ways of giving, please contact the Giving Department on 01303 240033. Email
